Date(s) - 23/11/2024 - 24/11/2024
18:30 - 14:00

Cocoon Club


Join Elise Greenspoon find the path of the heart!


Elise Greenspoon will be back in Apeldoorn for a cozy weekend of empowerment and inspiration. Find the path of the heart helps us to feel joy, contentment, and fulfillment. So let’s get together in the cocoon club for a weekend of practice in community.

Elise GreenspoonElise Greenspoon is a KPJAYI authorized level 2 Ashtanga instructor with over a decade of experience in yoga, Ayurveda and eastern philosophies. Elise immersed herself in the lineage of the Astanga yoga In Mysore, India. There she also learned past life regression therapy and many other healing techniques that she is still practicing and mastering today. Elise believes that the path of yoga can help to heal all of our sufferings and allow us to live to the peak of our potential as human beings. Caring deeply about the planet and raising awareness, she is always enthusiastic to share her knowledge and experience with people from all around the world.


Saturday 23 November

18.30 – 20.30 Yin Yoga

Sunday 24 November

9:30-11:30 Mysore Style Practice

12:00-14:00: Workshop: Karma and Dharma, Finding The Path of the Heart

When our hearts are touched by yoga and we develop a regular practice or sadhana, it is common that we begin to see our lives off the mat with new eyes. The food we used to enjoy might now sit differently; the activities we once loved can often lose their charm; we might question the work we are doing; or look at our relationship dynamics with more clarity.
When these deep questions begin to surface in our minds, there are two ancient concepts that can help to bring us great comfort, and guide us back to the path of our heart: Karma and Dharma
Karma means intentional or volitional action. Dharma means one’s duty or personal path in this life. Understanding these two concepts and knowing how to apply them in our own lives can be an enormous source of empowerment and inspiration, and can help us to feel joy, contentment, and fulfillment- no matter the current circumstances of our lives.

All levels are welcome.


More information

Check www.greenspoonyoga.com or email to elise.greenspoon@gmail.com



Full workshop of 3 classes 60 euros 

Single class 25 euro

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