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Date(s) - 30/12/2017
12:00 - 16:30

Cocoon Club


Beoefen je Asthanga yoga en wil je graag meer ervaren en begrijpen over de achtergrond ervan? Kom naar deze workshop van Elise Greenspoon en laat je inspireren. Je volgt een Asthanga les in Mysore style en leert daarna hoe Asthanga yoga doorwerkt op het fysieke en subtiele lichaam. Elise geeft les in het Engels.

Your practice, your body

Join Elise for an afternoon of Mysore practice and philosophy as we explore the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of our practice. Students will gain a practical understanding as well as tools to use along the way.

Elise Greenspoon will teach a Mysore class, so she can give everyone individually the best while you are practicing at your own pace, at your own level.

This practice is so much more than simply stretching the body. In the afternoon, Elise talks about the physical and subtle anatomy. We encounter a  system of self healing that goes beyond the limits of our day to day mind.
Sometimes the process feels easy and joyful and other times it can feel challenging. The more we know about the inner workings of ourselves, the easier we can move through this amazing journey.

12.00 – 14.00 Mysore practice
14.30 – 16.30 Your body, your practice workshop

All levels are welcome. No problem if you don’t know the serie by heart. Experiencing the special guidance of Elise will surely give a new dimension to your practice.

About Elise Greenspoon

Elise Greenspoon is a KPJAYI authorized level 2 Ashtanga instructor with over a decade of experience in yoga, Ayurveda and eastern philosophies. Elise immersed herself in the lineage of the Astanga yoga In Mysore, India.

Elise believes that the path of yoga can help to heal all of our sufferings and allow us to live to the peak of our potential as human beings. Caring deeply about the planet and raising awareness, she is always enthusiastic to share her knowledge and experience with people from all around the world.


Full workshop €40,-
Single Mysore €16,50

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